To help Priests for Life create an America without abortionis=s, I need you to click here and give your support to a project that comes right ou= of John's gospel.
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the ligh=, that his deeds may not be exposed (John 3:20).
Working off that reality, and using the financial gifts you and other=20 friends rush us today ...
... Priests for Life is about to shine the LIGHT OF TRUTH on abortionists so that their other patients, friends and neighbors will know what they are=20 doing!
In so doing we will turn up the heat so high that many, many abortionists will quit killing the youngest members of our human family.
Of course, there are some abortionists who are so shameless that they have no qualms about performing abortions.
Most abortionists, however, commit this terrible deed in secret. And =hey are petrified at the thought that others - especially other patients - well find out they have innocent blood on their hands.
Those are the abortionists we will focus our efforts on.
The key, though, is to act right now. Here's why.
The unjust and misguided killing of late-term abortionist George Tiller has brought to light the fact that in America today, a woman may legally hire an abortionist to kill her baby at any time during her pregnancy an= for whatever reason she states. That is the abortion-on-demand law impos=d on us in the Supreme Court's infamous 1973 Roe v Wade ruling... a law the vast majority of your fellow Americans wholeheartedly rejects!
It goes without saying that we condemn the murder of George Tiller in no uncertain terms because violence is NEVER a solution for anything ... especially the violence of intentional murder.
Now is a time when it's more important than ever to promote peace=ul, legal methods of saving babies - and abortionists too! - because many in=the news media are paying some attention to "late-term abortion.
Priests for Life is also raising our voice - in the pulpits and classrooms ... as well as on the internet, radio and television - so tha= people see the hidden yet brutal violence of abortion itself: Babies dismembered, decapitated ... and their broken bodies thrown into incinerators.
Make no mistake. Abortion is violence. The=20 irrefutable facts prove it:
During a so-called "partial birth abortion the fully developed baby is pulled out of the mother's protective womb. A pair of razor sharp scissors are jabbed into his neck. His brain is sucked out. Once dead= the baby is fully delivered.
The list we have of hundreds of women who were killed by an abortionist during a procedure we are told is completely is only the tip of the iceberg. Most of these deaths are not reported as abortion-related deaths.
That's in addition to the 1.3 million babies killed every year... without anesthesia ... without mercy.
The instruments of torture used in an abortion - cannula ... cure=te ... forceps ... syringe - are as grim and ghastly as those used by Dr. Mengele and all the Nazi doctors.
The pro-life movement has documented more than 8,519=20 acts of violence and illegal activities by pro-abortionists. These crimes include:
à1,251 homicides and other killing=
à157 attempted homicides
à28 arsons and fire bombings
à904 assaults
à1,908 sex crimes ... including 250 rapes!
à106 kidnappings
à420 cases of vandalism
à290 drug crimes
à1,616 medical crimes
As you know only too well, abortion is wreaking havoc throughout our=20 nation. We must bring this modern-day "reign of terror to and! NOW!!!
Which is why Priests for Life will not pull back an inch. We are in t=e midst of an intense campaign to end abortion. And one tactic we are abou= to use to help us WIN that battle is ...
... to convince "doctors" to stop killing our unborn brothers and sisters!
Click here to get behind this project and make it the success it=20 needs to be!
In asking you to do this I'll be the first to admit that we won convince every abortionist to give up his deadly practice. But if we are as successful as I believe we can be, then we can reduce the number of abortionists by such a large number that we will have a major impact on =he abortion industry itself.
And the fewer the number of abortionists there are to do the killing ..
... the more babies we save!
Now before I tell you how we will conduct this new tactic, let me fir=t explain that there are basically two types of abortionists:
Level 1 Abortionists: Those who work at free-standing abortion mi=ls and openly advertise their services.
Level 2 Abortionists: Those who ply their trade at hospitals or=20 private offices without announcing it.
Most of the Level 1 abortionists have learned to live with being know= as an "abortionist." They're willing to take the heat.
But the Level 2 abortionists are much less secure in what they're=doing. They don't mind getting paid for butchering babies. But they want to remain in the shadows. And they definitely don't want anyone to know what t=ey're doing because, as Our Lord said:
For everyone who does evil hates the light that is deeds may not be exposed.
Well, unless those abortionists repent and give up their evil deeds .=.
... Priests for Life is going to shine the light of truth in their deadly work so that what they are doing to tiny, helpless babie= is exposed for everyone in their community to see.
Again, though, for that to happen I need you to click here and help fund this new strategy.
Having said that, let me spell out how we will carry out this project
1. Identify the Level=2 abortionists in each community. This is done by contacting their staff and other doctors ... both those in their field and those in=20 their local community.
2. Once we identify the abortionists, we will talk with them privately. We will minister to them. Counsel them. And finally challenge them - gently but firmly - to stop killing innocent babies.
3. If they refuse, we will tell them that they leave us no choice but to go public and let the community know that they are abortionists!
Your dollars are needed so we can carry out the first and third elements of this campaign.
The key point for you to keep in mind is this:
Many of those who do abortions will stop as soon as they know that their secret might get out!
And if this sounds too simple or too good to be true, let me assure you that this tactic can and has worked.
Our good friends at Life Dynamics have conducted campaigns like this in the past and they have convinced many, many abortionists to quit.
Here's something else to keep in mind.
As you know Priests for Life will launch our "Pro-Lif Freedom Ride" project early next year. In two or three of the cities where we hold a "Freedom Ride" event, we will publicly challenge known abortionists to give up their deadly practice!
The goal will be to "smoke out secret abortionists and put them on notice that the evil deeds they are doing in darkness are about to be exposed for all the world to see!
What's more, when you consider that the heralds of the culture of death now control the powers of government, convincing abortionists to quit is one of the few options left to us in our fight to protect the youngest members of our human family from abortion.
That said I need you to click here and give your wholehearted support to this vital proje=t!
At an absolute minimum, it will cost Priests for Life $150,000 to carry out this campaign.
And remember, NOW is the perfect time to do this because the public mind is still thinking about =he horror of late-term abortions. They are beginning to understand the horr=r of all that's entailed in these brutal killings. Which is why being an abortionist carries such a stigma and why most doctors really don't want to do them. After all, even those who do abortions suffer pangs of conscience ... and a lot of ambivalence.
So it's critically important that you click here and send Priests for Life a much-needed contribu=ion so that we can continue to shine the light of TRUTH on the horror of abortion and convince those who are doing the killing to abandon their evil ways.
And if I may ask you one more favor. Each year I survey our supporter to learn how we can serve their needs more effectively. After giving your donation, would you take a moment and fill out the short survey I've=placed at www.priestsforlife.og/survey. It is very important to me to know what you're thinking about our ministry!
Thank you for your much-needed help today. And know that in appreciat=on for all you do for this pro-life ministry and our unborn brothers and sisters, the priests of Priests for Life remember you at every Mass we offer. Thank you again and may God bless you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Frank Pavone National Director, Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries
PS Something I failed to mention about this project is its residual impact. While it is certainly true that we will convince a fairly large number of abortionists to stop killing babies, it's also true that the mere fact that we conduct this campaign will persuade doctors who are only thinking about doing abortions to have second thoughts. So not only will reduce the number of current abortionists, we will also reduce the number of future abortionists. That said, I again ask you to click here and be as generous as you can so Priests for Life can build an America without abortionists! Thanks and God bless.
NOTE: If you prefer to send a check, please make it out to Priests fo= Life and send it to us at PO Box 141172, Staten Island, NY 10314. If you=20 have any questions, call us toll-free at 888-735-3448 x232.
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