Friday, September 19, 2014

Ray Rice Domestic Abuse is everyone's concern

I was at mentor group social about a week ago, and over the past week or so, I have had and heard the discussions on ray rice, and other sports figures. sooner or later, i end up hearing words such as" it is no one's business. it is there private life.!!" this bothers me. why? well let me tell you. we see a stranger on the news who is "accused" of spousal abuse, or child abuse, and everyone is ready to say lock him or her up, and throw away the key!" understandably yet, if people see a favorite sports figure (t, ray rice, mike tyson beating actress wife robin givens), etc) and suddenly people are more understanding, and take the" it is is no one's business, it is their private business.PEOPLE THESE ARE PUBLIC FIGURES!!!! ANOTHER REASON I HAVE A A PROBLEM WITH THIS LINE OF THINKING ON SPORTS FIGURES accused of domestic abuseis this!!!. domestic abuse is nothing less than an epidmic in this country. A country that preaches to other countries about how they treat women as far in regards to religous and political equality has a battered women in this country every 14 seconds. That is right according to the /center for Abuse, a woman is battered every 15 seconds in this country. south carolina ranks number one in both domestic violence, and deaths by domestic violence. I imagine that a lot of this is happening because our sports idols and celebrities get away with it, so why shouldn't the average guy/gal. right "WRONG!!" children who are witnesses of domestic abuse either become abused or abusers themselves. This was proven in the 1980s, and has been proven over and over again!!!/ so people who feel ray rice was treated harshly because he lost his job, need to consider, no one would feel sorr forthe if they lsot theri job because of such a job. Also, the majorityof us do not have millions of dollar in savings and investments, due to mulit-million dollar contracts with our companies. it is is our business when these sports stars do this sort of thing, because our young kids look to these people as role models. now i have heard that because these sports stars did not publicly agree to be a role model, they are not role models. when you get in the public eye, and your intent ti to make sure that you profit off the fact you have a talent that people admire you for, especially youth, you are a role model. i am not a big sports fan, but when i was growing up, Billy jean king was a tennis role model, then it was revealed that she lived an amoral life that i disagreed with. I still admire her as historical figure with a sports talent, but morally, she is not someone i would want my nephews and nieces to look up to. when i was teenager, i though john mcenroe wa sos cool a tennis player,nit because he was good at hissport, but because he got away with throwing tantrums and using fowl language at almost everyone of his tennis matches. my mother pointed out how disappointed that she had found out i would look up to someone for acting so disgracefully. that was about 30 years ago now young people have the internet, you tube, 24/7 news casts.However, a sports star caught on a hotel elevator camera beating his wife, is far worse than a tennis star coming out of the closet about her sexual orientation, or a tennis star throwing a temper tantrum. so yes, any football team that would keep this any man that beat his wife should be boycotted. furthermore, i belief the NFL should be investigated for any cover up, and if it is found they knew all along this was going on, i would encourage any decent attorney out there to bring charges gainst the NFl
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