Monday, October 29, 2012

Area church invites Columbia community to Holiday and Christmas festival weekend



October 30, 2012

Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church, located at 120 Marydale Lane, invites the Columbia Community to its Second Annual Community Christmas and Holiday Celebration. The community and family oriented celebration will be held at the church Family Life Center, over the weekend of December 1st and 2nd, 2012.

The fun filled weekend will consist of games, holiday foods, cultural activities, a silent auction, entertainment, and other family oriented events, Tickets for the Saturday, December first event, that will take place between 11:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., , will be $3.00 per person. This day of events will be followed by a dinner, that will be held in the gym of the Family Life Center. Tickets for the dinner are $7.00 per person, and must be purchased either at the parish office, at 120 Marydale Lane, located off Bush River Rd.

Tickets for the “Breakfast with St. Nicholas” are $5.00 per person, and may be purchased at the church office during the month of November, or on the day of the event, following the 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. church services However, advance tickets are encouraged, so as to make sure that as many people as possible within the community may participate in the event

The Our Lady of the Hills Festival Committee all of their fellow community members, regardless of faith or religious belief to take part in those events, which are meant to help people within the community to get to know their neighbors.

For more information on this weekend festival please contact Christina Murphy at 803-772-7400