NOTE: I just got this e-mail from a friend of mine in the Filipino-American Society of Greater Columbia, South Carolina. She recieved from a relative, who is quoting an English Teacher from California. I happen to agree with these sentiments.
Subject: Problem in the Public Schools (From=a California school teacher).... >> >> This=English teacher has phrased it the best I've seen yet..... "As you listen to the news about the student protests over illegal immigration, there are some things that you should be aware=of.... I'm in charge of the English-as-a-second-languag= department at a >> large southern California high school=which is designated a Title 1 school, meaning that the students average lower socioeconomic and income levels.&=bsp;>> Most of the schools you are hearing about, South Gate Bell Gardens,
Huntington Park, etc., where these students are protesting, are also Title 1 schools. Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast and free lunch program. When
I free breakfast, I'm not talking a=glass of milk and roll, but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fru=ts and juices that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of=this food is monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!) I estimate that well over 50% of these students are obese or at least moderately overweight. About 75% or more have cell phones. The school also provides day care centers for the unwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of having to arrange for babysitters or having family watch their kids. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK) I was ordered to spend $700,000 on my department or risk losing funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need for anything; my budget was already substantial. I ended up buy=ng new computers for the computer learning center, half of which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the appreciative stud=nts who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in=America. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!) I have had to intervene several times for young and substitute teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students here in the country less then 3 months who raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them=nbsp;"Putas" (whores) and throwing things that the teachers were in tears. Free medical, free education, free food, day care ., etc, etc. Is it any wonder they feel entitled, not only to be in this country, but to demand rights, privileges and entitlements? To those who want to point out how much these illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener and=housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes, let them spend=some time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs. Higher insurance, medical facilities closing, higher ;medical costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools, overcrowding, new diseases etc., etc, etc . For me, I'll pay more for=nbsp;tomatoes. We need to wake up. The guest worker program will be a disaster because we won't have the guts to enforce it. Does anyone in their right mind really think they will voluntarily leave and=return? It does, however, have everything to do with culture: A third-world culture that does not valu= education, that accepts children getting pregnant and dropping out of school at age 15 and that refuses to assimilate, an American culture that has become so weak and worried about "politically correctness" that we don't have the will to do anything about it. If this makes your blood boil, as it did mine, forward this to everyone you know. CHEAP LABOR? Isn't that what the whole immigration issue is about? Some businesses do not want to pay a decent wage. Consumers don't want expensive produce. Our Government will tell you Americans don't want the jobs. But the bottom line is cheap labor. The phrase "cheap labor" is a myth, a farce, and a lie. There is no such thing as "cheap labor Take, for example, an illegal alien with a wife and five children takes a job for $5.00 or 6.00/hour. At that wage, with six dependents, he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year, if he files an Income Tax Return, he gets an "earned income credit" of up to 3,200 free. He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent. He qualifies for food stamps. He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care. His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school. He requires bilingual teachers and book.He qualifies for relief from high energy bills. If they are or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for SSI. Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare, all of this at (our) taxpayer's expense. He doesn't worry about car insurance, life insurance, or homeowners insurance. Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and&=bsp;>> printed material. He and his family receive the equivalemt of $20.00 to $30.00/hour in benefits. Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after paying their bills and his. The American Taxpayers >> also pay=for increased crime, graffiti and trash clean-up. Cheap=labor? YEAH RIGHT! Wake up America! PLEASE PASS THIS ALONG TO AS MANY AS POSSIBLE OR WE WILL ALL GO DOWN THE DRAIN BECAUSE A FEW DON'T CARE.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Governor's Sanford's actions are betrayal of state, and put state in Jeopordy. Govermor should be forced to resign
By: Keith H. Seymour
WRITER’S NOTE: For purposes of journalistic integrity, I feel the need for purposes of disclosure that as someone whose family has lived in South Carolina for almost thirty-one years, and who has been a freelance writer and media consultant, I have met and made friends with various prominent political leaders on both sides of the political Isle. Among those I have met include Lieutenant Governor Bauer, who I have known since high school, and Governor Sanford, whose campaigns I have volunteered.
Up until recently, I have had a great deal of respect for the governor, including at times when I have disagreed with his positions on various political issues. I also still agree with the governor’s position on the stimulus package. It will be detrimental to this state, and as detrimental as his remaining in office.
Having made that disclosure, I must preface my remarks that in writing this article, I am going to have to remember that as a journalist, I need to avoid personalizing the governor’s actions. This is going to be very difficult since I feel like I have been played for as a fool. Just prior to the start of the press conference, a journalist from the “New York Times,” suggested infidelity, and I stated that Governor Sanford in addition to being a man who held positive values, was too predictable and boring to commit adultery. I also feel that the governor of this state has made South Carolinians look like a bunch of Bible thumping hypocrites, to the entire nation. I personally experienced this humiliation, when I phoned a cousin of mine in Washington D.C. who I had just seen at a recent family reunion here in South Carolina. When I called my cousin to warn him what he would see on the national news, I found out he had already been asked by someone “Did you go on any interesting hikes with the governor of South Carolina, while visiting your family in South Carolina.” The call that I made to my cousin was less than an hour following the press conference. Unlike the person who had said this to him, my cousin had not yet heard of Sanford’s indiscretion, and had no idea what the innuendo meant. (I.e. those bible thumping South Carolina relatives of yours have such great values that they elected an adulterer.) The fact that South Carolinians would have to defend our “Bible Belt values” as the real thing to people we know from other states is unacceptable and admittedly something that should be taken personally.
However, from a non-personal point of view, the fact is that Mark Sanford’s actions are no different than those of Bill Clinton’s actions during his presidency, and Republicans “must” hold the governor up to the same standards of behavior and honesty, as President Clinton. I realize that there are those within the state’s Republican Party and this country who have and are going to state that what this man does in private is not the public’s business, and that the man is only human. As a colleague of mine from one of the major television news station here in Columbia stated, after I ran into him,” I know a lot of humans who do not behave in this manner.” As for those on both sides of the political aisle, let me say this: Senator Jake Knotts (Republican-Lexington County) and other South Carolina Republicans, saying that Governor Sanford should be forgiven, are the very same people who justifiably condemned President Clinton, several years ago for similar actions. Likewise Representative Todd Rutherford and other Democrats, calling for Governor Sanford’s resignation, are some of the same people who felt Former President Clinton should be forgiven. I would be remiss in my duty as a journalist not to point out the hypocrisy of these and other elected officials whose political affiliation and agendas are more important than the moral and political stability of those people in this state. Such individuals need to be replaced. However, that is another editorial for another time.
The fact is that South Carolinians take Bible Belt “family values” seriously, and this man was elected twice, because ( at least in part) this man falsely portrayed himself has having those values, when in truth he was not living by up them. This man did just lie to the people of South Carolina; he mocked the values of the people of this state. He therefore, abused not just the trust of South Carolinians, but South Carolinians themselves.
Those people, who state that this man’s private life is his own business, are correct. However, when this man’s affair caused him to jeopardize the smooth running of this state by not telling the Lieutenant governor of his absence, and he used a state paid for car to drive him to the airport, so he could fly to his mistress in Argentina, it became the business of every person in this state. The people of this state do not pay taxes to our elected officials so they can use tax paid vehicles to go off on romantic rendezvous with their lovers.
Neither do the citizens of this state pay taxes to have our state’s well-being put in Jeopardy. Since the governor felt it is more important to use the power of his hormones to please his mistress, than to cater to the moral and physical well-being of the people to whose care he has been entrusted, he showed he did not care about the well-being of this state and its citizens. His actions are no less than pure neglect. When a parent neglects their children, said parent is relieved of those children for the purpose of making sure that those children grow up to become emotionally and physically stable individuals, Likewise Governor Sanford needs to be relieved of his duties as the person in charge of this state, so this stae may be reespected as moral, and may thrive on the dignity and pride of values that have made it the Center of this country's Bible belt and moral compass.
If South Carolina is to keep its values for the survival of this state, and so that the people of this state may continue to teach their children that right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of money, power, or political affiliation, then those elected to represent the citizens in this state need to be urged to ask for Governor Sanford’s resignation. Such actions may be forgivable based on political affiliation in our nation’s capitol, or other states. It is not, and need not become acceptable in South Carolina.
In regards to this, It should be restated at this point for those who will inevitably state that this man’s private life is no one’s business but those of his family and Governor Sanford, as well as those who state you cannot legislate morality, that this man put the smooth running of this state in jeopardy by (1) Not telling the Lieutenant governor of his absence in case pressing business needed to be dealt with (2) by lying to his staff members about his whereabouts, and (3) by creating a situation that not only makes puts this state in a negative light to the point that people view South Carolinians a hypocrites, but to the degree that people will not want to visit or move to a state that “does not practice what we preach.” South Carolina is already on the bottom of the list in almost every other category; let’s not let our elected officials put us on the bottom of the list in the areas of honesty and positive family values.
Furthermore it needs to be re-stated that a state funded vehicle was used to take him to the airport for this personal event, which is clearly a misuse of taxpayer funds.
In closing, I would like to sincerely state that as someone who believes in the sanctity of marriage, I hope the Sanford’s work out their marriage, and that their children survive this tragedy. However, whether this man saves what is left of his marriage, one thing remains clear. He needs to resign or forceably removed, so this state’s image moral and political stability may remain intact.
Keith H. Seymour is freelance writer and Media Consultant from Columbia, South Carolina, where he has lived for over 30 years. He may be reached at or at 803-960-8785 (cell Phone)
By: Keith H. Seymour
WRITER’S NOTE: For purposes of journalistic integrity, I feel the need for purposes of disclosure that as someone whose family has lived in South Carolina for almost thirty-one years, and who has been a freelance writer and media consultant, I have met and made friends with various prominent political leaders on both sides of the political Isle. Among those I have met include Lieutenant Governor Bauer, who I have known since high school, and Governor Sanford, whose campaigns I have volunteered.
Up until recently, I have had a great deal of respect for the governor, including at times when I have disagreed with his positions on various political issues. I also still agree with the governor’s position on the stimulus package. It will be detrimental to this state, and as detrimental as his remaining in office.
Having made that disclosure, I must preface my remarks that in writing this article, I am going to have to remember that as a journalist, I need to avoid personalizing the governor’s actions. This is going to be very difficult since I feel like I have been played for as a fool. Just prior to the start of the press conference, a journalist from the “New York Times,” suggested infidelity, and I stated that Governor Sanford in addition to being a man who held positive values, was too predictable and boring to commit adultery. I also feel that the governor of this state has made South Carolinians look like a bunch of Bible thumping hypocrites, to the entire nation. I personally experienced this humiliation, when I phoned a cousin of mine in Washington D.C. who I had just seen at a recent family reunion here in South Carolina. When I called my cousin to warn him what he would see on the national news, I found out he had already been asked by someone “Did you go on any interesting hikes with the governor of South Carolina, while visiting your family in South Carolina.” The call that I made to my cousin was less than an hour following the press conference. Unlike the person who had said this to him, my cousin had not yet heard of Sanford’s indiscretion, and had no idea what the innuendo meant. (I.e. those bible thumping South Carolina relatives of yours have such great values that they elected an adulterer.) The fact that South Carolinians would have to defend our “Bible Belt values” as the real thing to people we know from other states is unacceptable and admittedly something that should be taken personally.
However, from a non-personal point of view, the fact is that Mark Sanford’s actions are no different than those of Bill Clinton’s actions during his presidency, and Republicans “must” hold the governor up to the same standards of behavior and honesty, as President Clinton. I realize that there are those within the state’s Republican Party and this country who have and are going to state that what this man does in private is not the public’s business, and that the man is only human. As a colleague of mine from one of the major television news station here in Columbia stated, after I ran into him,” I know a lot of humans who do not behave in this manner.” As for those on both sides of the political aisle, let me say this: Senator Jake Knotts (Republican-Lexington County) and other South Carolina Republicans, saying that Governor Sanford should be forgiven, are the very same people who justifiably condemned President Clinton, several years ago for similar actions. Likewise Representative Todd Rutherford and other Democrats, calling for Governor Sanford’s resignation, are some of the same people who felt Former President Clinton should be forgiven. I would be remiss in my duty as a journalist not to point out the hypocrisy of these and other elected officials whose political affiliation and agendas are more important than the moral and political stability of those people in this state. Such individuals need to be replaced. However, that is another editorial for another time.
The fact is that South Carolinians take Bible Belt “family values” seriously, and this man was elected twice, because ( at least in part) this man falsely portrayed himself has having those values, when in truth he was not living by up them. This man did just lie to the people of South Carolina; he mocked the values of the people of this state. He therefore, abused not just the trust of South Carolinians, but South Carolinians themselves.
Those people, who state that this man’s private life is his own business, are correct. However, when this man’s affair caused him to jeopardize the smooth running of this state by not telling the Lieutenant governor of his absence, and he used a state paid for car to drive him to the airport, so he could fly to his mistress in Argentina, it became the business of every person in this state. The people of this state do not pay taxes to our elected officials so they can use tax paid vehicles to go off on romantic rendezvous with their lovers.
Neither do the citizens of this state pay taxes to have our state’s well-being put in Jeopardy. Since the governor felt it is more important to use the power of his hormones to please his mistress, than to cater to the moral and physical well-being of the people to whose care he has been entrusted, he showed he did not care about the well-being of this state and its citizens. His actions are no less than pure neglect. When a parent neglects their children, said parent is relieved of those children for the purpose of making sure that those children grow up to become emotionally and physically stable individuals, Likewise Governor Sanford needs to be relieved of his duties as the person in charge of this state, so this stae may be reespected as moral, and may thrive on the dignity and pride of values that have made it the Center of this country's Bible belt and moral compass.
If South Carolina is to keep its values for the survival of this state, and so that the people of this state may continue to teach their children that right is right and wrong is wrong regardless of money, power, or political affiliation, then those elected to represent the citizens in this state need to be urged to ask for Governor Sanford’s resignation. Such actions may be forgivable based on political affiliation in our nation’s capitol, or other states. It is not, and need not become acceptable in South Carolina.
In regards to this, It should be restated at this point for those who will inevitably state that this man’s private life is no one’s business but those of his family and Governor Sanford, as well as those who state you cannot legislate morality, that this man put the smooth running of this state in jeopardy by (1) Not telling the Lieutenant governor of his absence in case pressing business needed to be dealt with (2) by lying to his staff members about his whereabouts, and (3) by creating a situation that not only makes puts this state in a negative light to the point that people view South Carolinians a hypocrites, but to the degree that people will not want to visit or move to a state that “does not practice what we preach.” South Carolina is already on the bottom of the list in almost every other category; let’s not let our elected officials put us on the bottom of the list in the areas of honesty and positive family values.
Furthermore it needs to be re-stated that a state funded vehicle was used to take him to the airport for this personal event, which is clearly a misuse of taxpayer funds.
In closing, I would like to sincerely state that as someone who believes in the sanctity of marriage, I hope the Sanford’s work out their marriage, and that their children survive this tragedy. However, whether this man saves what is left of his marriage, one thing remains clear. He needs to resign or forceably removed, so this state’s image moral and political stability may remain intact.
Keith H. Seymour is freelance writer and Media Consultant from Columbia, South Carolina, where he has lived for over 30 years. He may be reached at or at 803-960-8785 (cell Phone)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
“Baby Boomers need to also be held accountable for Moral and Economic Problems in this Country and the world”
“Baby Boomers need to also be held accountable for Moral and Economic Problems in this Country and the world”
By: Keith H. Seymour
It has often been stated that the “Baby Boomers” have affected the United United and even the world, more than any other within the past 100 years. It has also been said that the same group of people have done more to advance this country and the world, than any other generation. I have no doubt that both of these statements are true. Clearly, the Baby Boomers have done a great deal to bring their younger siblings, children and grandchildren to moral and church going ways. As a former Peace Corps volunteer, and as a generation xer, I am quite aware that Baby Boomers were the first Peace Corps Volunteers. It was the Baby Boomer, who as hippies in the 1960s and 1970’s warned us about the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, and the adverse affects of landfills on the natural and economic environments. They also protested not only against wars, but also the greed of corporations and the “keeping of with the Jones attitudes, created and endorsed by their grandparents. An example of this, would be Patricia (Pattie) Hearst and the symbonise Lebanese Army (SLA) referring to her parents (owners of Hearst Communications) as greedy “Fascist pigs) in the early 1970s.
However, it may be and should be argued that the same group of people who did so much to advance this country in the 1960s and 1970s, have done just as much to destroy it, by giving up their values. The same group of people who bought to fruition the efforts their parents stated as part of the civil rights movement by giving this country women’s rights, eighteen year olds the right to vote, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act,” also successfully fought for the right to abort an unborn child, the death penalty, and Euthanasia. These people, who are so intent on having the current generation to emphasize family values, were the same group of people who increased divorce, left the church, and made promiscuous sexual activity acceptable. Let’s face it; Woodstock has become known as one of the biggest musical drug induced sexfest, in the history of this country. As a matter of fact the big joke is “that if you remember Woodstock, you probably were not there.” A quote referring to the drug induced orgies in which many of the “hippies now known as Baby Boomers, took part.
However, it is not their actions of the 1960 and 1970s that destroyed this country, since the probably did more harm than good during those decades. It is their actions as the media labeled Yuppie (Buppies if you are African-Americans) of the 1980’s and 1990s. These same people who fought against greed and the keeping up with the Jones attitude, chose to sell out for their middle class, Upper middle class and wealthy life styles, in which they were portrayed in movie such as “Wall Street,” that gave us pithy little slogans such as “Greed is Good.” These are the same people who were being portrayed in movies such as “Dangerous Liaisons,” that glorified sexual promiscuity that they complained about, when the same attitudes were portrayed in television shows, such as “Sex in the City.”
It was these former Hippies, who became the media labeled yuppies (Buppies if you are African-American), of the 1980s and 1990s, those now referred to as Baby Boomers, who are the same people who got us into the “savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s. Most of usof the generation x crowd ,were in high school, or beginning college, when that mess happened. While my generation must in part take responsibility for the current economic crises, we were not the primary power brokers. The Baby Boomers were. Yes, money and power has the ability to corrupt, and to a large degree it corrupted the people now known as Baby Boomers.
While it is true that my generation and the generations that followed, who behaved like spoiled brats if we could not have our designer clothes, computers, cell phones, so we could keep up with our friends. It is also true that we learned these materialistic values from our older siblings and parents, who belong to the“Baby Boomer” generation, rather than the less materialistic values formerly exhibited in the 1960’s and 1970s, and later abandoned in the subsequent decades, for wealth and prestigious images. Unless we obtained the money from our “Baby Boomer” siblings and/or parents, during the 1980s we could not afford $2.00 for bottled water, because it had Perrier written across a bottle. Neither could we afford to pay $5.00-$6.00 for a cup of coffee, because the cup that would inevitably end up in a landfill, had “Starbuck’s” written across the cup! It was those Yuppies (former hippies) now known as “Baby Boomers,” who could afford and did pay such outrageous prices.
I am thrilled that “Baby Boomers such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have created technology based companies that initially helped this country’s economic structure. What I do not appreciate, is that fact that these same people and other such business leaders have allowed their greed to create new computer programs (e.g. windows) that make computer hardware and software obsolete every couple of years, causing these systems to end up in a landfill, along with the “Starbuck’s” cups. Neither do I appreciate “Baby Boomer” politicians such Al Gore, George Bush, Orack Obama, or anyone else preaching to society about the jobs that are being lost to illegal immigrants or to jobs going overseas, when these problems occurred and persist, due to the fact that these same individuals created and attempt to create laws that give illegal immigrants a free ride, or allow corporations to go outside the country, by creating laws such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), so these companies may make a larger profit, Thus allowing more money to be donated to their political campaigns.
Essentially, most of the people in the “Baby Boomer generation,” are behaving in ways towards younger people, just as their parents did thirty and forty years ago. In many cases the “Baby Boomers, “have contributed less to the advancement of this country, than their predecessors. For example, while “Baby Boomers” protested against the Vietnam war, which was primarily run by their parents’ generation, unlike their grandparents and parents, “Baby Boomers” have chosen not have not taken the lead in motivating themselves or anyone else in recent economic and military conflicts, to make sacrifices. Examples of this are: instead of eating out at fast food and full service restaurant, growing their own vegetables and eating at home. Neither in the most recent economic crisis was anyone encouraged to save energy by carpooling or recycling rubber for oil, or saving money by playing board games, and spending time at home. On the contrary, the “Baby Boomers” now leading this country, have done just the opposite.
I am not saying that the generations that followed the “Baby Boomer Generation, have not royally messed up, and contributed to the lack of economic and moral discipline in our country and throughout the world. We have. On the Contrary! My point is that while we admit to preceding and subsequent generations, that we have contributed to various problems, “Baby Boomers have been allowed to rest on their laurels, and refrain from admitting to the fact that “many of them” have hurt society by selling out to the almighty dollar and prestige. The truth is that “Baby Boomers” have passed down and perpetuated many of these materialistic ideals dto subsequent generations. Yet, they have the audacity to criticize these subsequent generations for having these values. What hypocritical nerve!
By: Keith H. Seymour
It has often been stated that the “Baby Boomers” have affected the United United and even the world, more than any other within the past 100 years. It has also been said that the same group of people have done more to advance this country and the world, than any other generation. I have no doubt that both of these statements are true. Clearly, the Baby Boomers have done a great deal to bring their younger siblings, children and grandchildren to moral and church going ways. As a former Peace Corps volunteer, and as a generation xer, I am quite aware that Baby Boomers were the first Peace Corps Volunteers. It was the Baby Boomer, who as hippies in the 1960s and 1970’s warned us about the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming, and the adverse affects of landfills on the natural and economic environments. They also protested not only against wars, but also the greed of corporations and the “keeping of with the Jones attitudes, created and endorsed by their grandparents. An example of this, would be Patricia (Pattie) Hearst and the symbonise Lebanese Army (SLA) referring to her parents (owners of Hearst Communications) as greedy “Fascist pigs) in the early 1970s.
However, it may be and should be argued that the same group of people who did so much to advance this country in the 1960s and 1970s, have done just as much to destroy it, by giving up their values. The same group of people who bought to fruition the efforts their parents stated as part of the civil rights movement by giving this country women’s rights, eighteen year olds the right to vote, and the 1965 Voting Rights Act,” also successfully fought for the right to abort an unborn child, the death penalty, and Euthanasia. These people, who are so intent on having the current generation to emphasize family values, were the same group of people who increased divorce, left the church, and made promiscuous sexual activity acceptable. Let’s face it; Woodstock has become known as one of the biggest musical drug induced sexfest, in the history of this country. As a matter of fact the big joke is “that if you remember Woodstock, you probably were not there.” A quote referring to the drug induced orgies in which many of the “hippies now known as Baby Boomers, took part.
However, it is not their actions of the 1960 and 1970s that destroyed this country, since the probably did more harm than good during those decades. It is their actions as the media labeled Yuppie (Buppies if you are African-Americans) of the 1980’s and 1990s. These same people who fought against greed and the keeping up with the Jones attitude, chose to sell out for their middle class, Upper middle class and wealthy life styles, in which they were portrayed in movie such as “Wall Street,” that gave us pithy little slogans such as “Greed is Good.” These are the same people who were being portrayed in movies such as “Dangerous Liaisons,” that glorified sexual promiscuity that they complained about, when the same attitudes were portrayed in television shows, such as “Sex in the City.”
It was these former Hippies, who became the media labeled yuppies (Buppies if you are African-American), of the 1980s and 1990s, those now referred to as Baby Boomers, who are the same people who got us into the “savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s. Most of usof the generation x crowd ,were in high school, or beginning college, when that mess happened. While my generation must in part take responsibility for the current economic crises, we were not the primary power brokers. The Baby Boomers were. Yes, money and power has the ability to corrupt, and to a large degree it corrupted the people now known as Baby Boomers.
While it is true that my generation and the generations that followed, who behaved like spoiled brats if we could not have our designer clothes, computers, cell phones, so we could keep up with our friends. It is also true that we learned these materialistic values from our older siblings and parents, who belong to the“Baby Boomer” generation, rather than the less materialistic values formerly exhibited in the 1960’s and 1970s, and later abandoned in the subsequent decades, for wealth and prestigious images. Unless we obtained the money from our “Baby Boomer” siblings and/or parents, during the 1980s we could not afford $2.00 for bottled water, because it had Perrier written across a bottle. Neither could we afford to pay $5.00-$6.00 for a cup of coffee, because the cup that would inevitably end up in a landfill, had “Starbuck’s” written across the cup! It was those Yuppies (former hippies) now known as “Baby Boomers,” who could afford and did pay such outrageous prices.
I am thrilled that “Baby Boomers such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have created technology based companies that initially helped this country’s economic structure. What I do not appreciate, is that fact that these same people and other such business leaders have allowed their greed to create new computer programs (e.g. windows) that make computer hardware and software obsolete every couple of years, causing these systems to end up in a landfill, along with the “Starbuck’s” cups. Neither do I appreciate “Baby Boomer” politicians such Al Gore, George Bush, Orack Obama, or anyone else preaching to society about the jobs that are being lost to illegal immigrants or to jobs going overseas, when these problems occurred and persist, due to the fact that these same individuals created and attempt to create laws that give illegal immigrants a free ride, or allow corporations to go outside the country, by creating laws such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), so these companies may make a larger profit, Thus allowing more money to be donated to their political campaigns.
Essentially, most of the people in the “Baby Boomer generation,” are behaving in ways towards younger people, just as their parents did thirty and forty years ago. In many cases the “Baby Boomers, “have contributed less to the advancement of this country, than their predecessors. For example, while “Baby Boomers” protested against the Vietnam war, which was primarily run by their parents’ generation, unlike their grandparents and parents, “Baby Boomers” have chosen not have not taken the lead in motivating themselves or anyone else in recent economic and military conflicts, to make sacrifices. Examples of this are: instead of eating out at fast food and full service restaurant, growing their own vegetables and eating at home. Neither in the most recent economic crisis was anyone encouraged to save energy by carpooling or recycling rubber for oil, or saving money by playing board games, and spending time at home. On the contrary, the “Baby Boomers” now leading this country, have done just the opposite.
I am not saying that the generations that followed the “Baby Boomer Generation, have not royally messed up, and contributed to the lack of economic and moral discipline in our country and throughout the world. We have. On the Contrary! My point is that while we admit to preceding and subsequent generations, that we have contributed to various problems, “Baby Boomers have been allowed to rest on their laurels, and refrain from admitting to the fact that “many of them” have hurt society by selling out to the almighty dollar and prestige. The truth is that “Baby Boomers” have passed down and perpetuated many of these materialistic ideals dto subsequent generations. Yet, they have the audacity to criticize these subsequent generations for having these values. What hypocritical nerve!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
"GM Now Means Government Motors: Buyout is indication that Obama, Liberals have Socialist Agenda
There is an old and humorous analogy that deals with the politically based economics that are defines a country’s political philosophy. The analogy goes something like this: “In a free capitalist society, you can buy a cow, and unless you sell it is yours. In a socialist society the government owns at least half the cow and “allows” you to own what is left, and in a communist society the government owns the cow, but convinces you own it.” In other words, in a capitalist society an individual may buy and sell property for the purpose of profit, while risking lost. In a socialist society, an individual may own property but need to obtain permission needs to make a profit of his/her property, and depending on how much of the property the individual owns, that person’s profit or loss may be equal or less than that of the government’s. If the government owns more of the property, they gain more profit, and if they lose money, they just make up for that loss by taxing private property, Causing the private individual to lose even more, while the government either breaks even or profits on that loss. In a communist society, the government owns everything, and taxes people who have nothing.
I bring up and explain this analogy, because in January, President Obama and the Democratic controlled congress took an oath to uphold the principles of the United States of America. The principles of “our great country” are based on a capitalist system of free enterprise. Yet, this man and his cronies appear to be taking this country in a socialist direction, as shown by the Government’s recent purchase of 60% ownership of General Motors.
However, the truth is that during the election, and then Senator Obama outlined their socialist agenda overtly by brainwashing the American people into believing he wanted to help them. He did this by promising free healthcare to all Americans, and a system in which every American would prosper. President Obama’s and the “Liberals’” method of alleged socialistic activism is unique in that “to my knowledge” socialism has historically been accomplished by brainwashing the poor and uneducated. Examples of this are China and the former Soviet Union (U.S.S.R, which eventually became communist countries. In contrast, President Obama and the Liberals also successfully achieved their goals by brainwashing the middle class and educated classes. Now, I am not suggesting that we are at risk of becoming a communist country. This country has too many educated people for that to happen, in my opinion.
Also, in all fairness to some of the people who helped put President Obama and the liberals in office, not everyone who voted for President Obama entirely at fault. Like all good con-artist Obama and the liberals used timing and fear to get into power. Specifically they played upon the fear of people adversely affected by an economic crisis which admittedly, began under the watch of President George W. Bush. They used this opportunity to make guarantees of free health care to everyone, while concurrently lowering their taxes. Under normal circumstances many of these same voters would have been able to figure out that a country whose social security system has been bankrupt for over 30 years, cannot possibly offer free healthcare to every person in this country, without either raising taxes, taking over private companies, or both.
As a result, “GM no longer stands for “General Motors,” but “Government Motors.” The fact is If GM prospers; the liberals now in power will get 60% of the profits contributed to their expense accounts and pork projects. If the government loses money on the GM buy out, there is a very real possibility that the private shareholders that own 40% of GM and the rest of us will be taxed at a higher tax rate. Either way, the American public is likely to end up funding the pork projects and the pockets of the liberals’ political and business cronies. Ultimately the Obama Administration has created an economic win-win situation for the tax and spend liberals now in power, and a lose-lose situation for the American taxpayer.
I will close my remarks unapologetically, by stating that because I do not wish to live in a country run on a socialist form of economics, I sincerely hope I am wrong. However, I plan to keep a very close watch on our national leadership to make sure socialist policies are not put in place, and I hope you do likewise.
Remember, the definition of a socialist economic system as part of a country’s political policy, is that the government owns part of the private property, company, or industry, therefore limiting the ability for private individuals to prosper.
I bring up and explain this analogy, because in January, President Obama and the Democratic controlled congress took an oath to uphold the principles of the United States of America. The principles of “our great country” are based on a capitalist system of free enterprise. Yet, this man and his cronies appear to be taking this country in a socialist direction, as shown by the Government’s recent purchase of 60% ownership of General Motors.
However, the truth is that during the election, and then Senator Obama outlined their socialist agenda overtly by brainwashing the American people into believing he wanted to help them. He did this by promising free healthcare to all Americans, and a system in which every American would prosper. President Obama’s and the “Liberals’” method of alleged socialistic activism is unique in that “to my knowledge” socialism has historically been accomplished by brainwashing the poor and uneducated. Examples of this are China and the former Soviet Union (U.S.S.R, which eventually became communist countries. In contrast, President Obama and the Liberals also successfully achieved their goals by brainwashing the middle class and educated classes. Now, I am not suggesting that we are at risk of becoming a communist country. This country has too many educated people for that to happen, in my opinion.
Also, in all fairness to some of the people who helped put President Obama and the liberals in office, not everyone who voted for President Obama entirely at fault. Like all good con-artist Obama and the liberals used timing and fear to get into power. Specifically they played upon the fear of people adversely affected by an economic crisis which admittedly, began under the watch of President George W. Bush. They used this opportunity to make guarantees of free health care to everyone, while concurrently lowering their taxes. Under normal circumstances many of these same voters would have been able to figure out that a country whose social security system has been bankrupt for over 30 years, cannot possibly offer free healthcare to every person in this country, without either raising taxes, taking over private companies, or both.
As a result, “GM no longer stands for “General Motors,” but “Government Motors.” The fact is If GM prospers; the liberals now in power will get 60% of the profits contributed to their expense accounts and pork projects. If the government loses money on the GM buy out, there is a very real possibility that the private shareholders that own 40% of GM and the rest of us will be taxed at a higher tax rate. Either way, the American public is likely to end up funding the pork projects and the pockets of the liberals’ political and business cronies. Ultimately the Obama Administration has created an economic win-win situation for the tax and spend liberals now in power, and a lose-lose situation for the American taxpayer.
I will close my remarks unapologetically, by stating that because I do not wish to live in a country run on a socialist form of economics, I sincerely hope I am wrong. However, I plan to keep a very close watch on our national leadership to make sure socialist policies are not put in place, and I hope you do likewise.
Remember, the definition of a socialist economic system as part of a country’s political policy, is that the government owns part of the private property, company, or industry, therefore limiting the ability for private individuals to prosper.
USC study reveals severity of cancer indennce,deaths among blacks
An Article, on the front page of the Carolina Panorama Newspaper, reveals information from a study spoonored by The Univeristy of South Carolina, in Columbia S.C. The article titled" USC study reveals severity of cancer incidence, deaths among Blacks," deals with the cancer rate among African-Americans overall, and as it compares to other ethinc groups. Please click on link below, and read the artilce.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Another Pro-Life Organization condems murder of abotionist
I have been auhtorized to put this information on this Blog Page, in my capacity as local leader in the Pro-Life Movement. I happen to agree with the sentiments expresses here.
Keith H. Seymour
803-960-8785 (cell)
National Right to Life,
South Carolina Citizens for Life
Condemn killing of George Tiller
The following is the statement from National Right to Life condemning the killing of George Tiller. South Carolina Citizens for Life, the NRLC State Affiliate, joins the statement.
For immediate release:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Derrick Jones (202) 626-8825
WASHINGTON – The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation’s largest pro-life group, today condemned the killing of Dr. George Tiller. The following statement may be attributed to NRLC Executive Director, David N. O’Steen, Ph.D.:
National Right to Life extends its sympathies to Dr. Tiller’s family over this loss of life.
Further, the National Right to Life Committee unequivocally condemns any such acts of violence regardless of motivation. The pro-life movement works to protect the right to life and increase respect for human life. The unlawful use of violence is directly contrary to that goal.
The National Right to Life Committee has always been involved in peaceful, legal activities to protect human lives threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. We always have and will continue to oppose any form of violence to fight the violence of abortion. NRLC has had a policy of forbidding violence or illegal activity by its staff, directors, officers, affiliated state organizations and chapters. NRLC’s sole purpose is to protect innocent human life.
NRLC will continue to work through educational and legislative activities to ensure the right to life for unborn children, people with disabilities and older people. NRLC will continue to work for peaceful solutions to aid pregnant women and their unborn children. These solutions involve helping women and their children and do not involve violence against anyone.
The National Right to Life Committee is the nation’s largest pro-life group with affiliates in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters nationwide. National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
# # #
Saving babies’ lives in South Carolina’s most notorious former abortion facility.
Street address: 1411 Barnwell St. Suite 3, Columbia SC 29201 Mailing address: P.O. Box 5865, Columbia SC 29250 Phone: 803.252.LIFE (5433) Fax: 803.252.3118 e-mail: web: profile subscribe
Keith H. Seymour
803-960-8785 (cell)
National Right to Life,
South Carolina Citizens for Life
Condemn killing of George Tiller
The following is the statement from National Right to Life condemning the killing of George Tiller. South Carolina Citizens for Life, the NRLC State Affiliate, joins the statement.
For immediate release:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Derrick Jones (202) 626-8825
WASHINGTON – The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation’s largest pro-life group, today condemned the killing of Dr. George Tiller. The following statement may be attributed to NRLC Executive Director, David N. O’Steen, Ph.D.:
National Right to Life extends its sympathies to Dr. Tiller’s family over this loss of life.
Further, the National Right to Life Committee unequivocally condemns any such acts of violence regardless of motivation. The pro-life movement works to protect the right to life and increase respect for human life. The unlawful use of violence is directly contrary to that goal.
The National Right to Life Committee has always been involved in peaceful, legal activities to protect human lives threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. We always have and will continue to oppose any form of violence to fight the violence of abortion. NRLC has had a policy of forbidding violence or illegal activity by its staff, directors, officers, affiliated state organizations and chapters. NRLC’s sole purpose is to protect innocent human life.
NRLC will continue to work through educational and legislative activities to ensure the right to life for unborn children, people with disabilities and older people. NRLC will continue to work for peaceful solutions to aid pregnant women and their unborn children. These solutions involve helping women and their children and do not involve violence against anyone.
The National Right to Life Committee is the nation’s largest pro-life group with affiliates in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters nationwide. National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
# # #
Saving babies’ lives in South Carolina’s most notorious former abortion facility.
Street address: 1411 Barnwell St. Suite 3, Columbia SC 29201 Mailing address: P.O. Box 5865, Columbia SC 29250 Phone: 803.252.LIFE (5433) Fax: 803.252.3118 e-mail: web: profile subscribe
Right to Life Novement condems murder of abortionist as contrary to their right to life beliefs
I have been given permission by Ms. Holly Gatling, director of the S.C Citizens for Life to post the letter below in my offiicial roles as Board Secretary and Public Realtions Coordinatir if S.C. Citizens for Life-Midlands Chapter.
Keith H. Seymour.
803-960-8785 (Cell Phone)
National Right to Life,
South Carolina Citizens for Life
Condemn killing of George Tiller
The following is the statement from National Right to Life condemning the killing of George Tiller. South Carolina Citizens for Life, the NRLC State Affiliate, joins the statement.
For immediate release:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Derrick Jones (202) 626-8825
WASHINGTON – The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation’s largest pro-life group, today condemned the killing of Dr. George Tiller. The following statement may be attributed to NRLC Executive Director, David N. O’Steen, Ph.D.:
National Right to Life extends its sympathies to Dr. Tiller’s family over this loss of life.
Further, the National Right to Life Committee unequivocally condemns any such acts of violence regardless of motivation. The pro-life movement works to protect the right to life and increase respect for human life. The unlawful use of violence is directly contrary to that goal.
The National Right to Life Committee has always been involved in peaceful, legal activities to protect human lives threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. We always have and will continue to oppose any form of violence to fight the violence of abortion. NRLC has had a policy of forbidding violence or illegal activity by its staff, directors, officers, affiliated state organizations and chapters. NRLC’s sole purpose is to protect innocent human life.
NRLC will continue to work through educational and legislative activities to ensure the right to life for unborn children, people with disabilities and older people. NRLC will continue to work for peaceful solutions to aid pregnant women and their unborn children. These solutions involve helping women and their children and do not involve violence against anyone.
The National Right to Life Committee is the nation’s largest pro-life group with affiliates in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters nationwide. National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
# # #
Saving babies’ lives in South Carolina’s most notorious former abortion facility.
Street address: 1411 Barnwell St. Suite 3, Columbia SC 29201 Mailing address: P.O. Box 5865, Columbia SC 29250 Phone: 803.252.LIFE (5433) Fax: 803.252.3118 e-mail: web: profile subscribe
Keith H. Seymour.
803-960-8785 (Cell Phone)
National Right to Life,
South Carolina Citizens for Life
Condemn killing of George Tiller
The following is the statement from National Right to Life condemning the killing of George Tiller. South Carolina Citizens for Life, the NRLC State Affiliate, joins the statement.
For immediate release:
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Derrick Jones (202) 626-8825
WASHINGTON – The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation’s largest pro-life group, today condemned the killing of Dr. George Tiller. The following statement may be attributed to NRLC Executive Director, David N. O’Steen, Ph.D.:
National Right to Life extends its sympathies to Dr. Tiller’s family over this loss of life.
Further, the National Right to Life Committee unequivocally condemns any such acts of violence regardless of motivation. The pro-life movement works to protect the right to life and increase respect for human life. The unlawful use of violence is directly contrary to that goal.
The National Right to Life Committee has always been involved in peaceful, legal activities to protect human lives threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia. We always have and will continue to oppose any form of violence to fight the violence of abortion. NRLC has had a policy of forbidding violence or illegal activity by its staff, directors, officers, affiliated state organizations and chapters. NRLC’s sole purpose is to protect innocent human life.
NRLC will continue to work through educational and legislative activities to ensure the right to life for unborn children, people with disabilities and older people. NRLC will continue to work for peaceful solutions to aid pregnant women and their unborn children. These solutions involve helping women and their children and do not involve violence against anyone.
The National Right to Life Committee is the nation’s largest pro-life group with affiliates in all 50 states and over 3,000 local chapters nationwide. National Right to Life works through legislation and education to protect those threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
# # #
Saving babies’ lives in South Carolina’s most notorious former abortion facility.
Street address: 1411 Barnwell St. Suite 3, Columbia SC 29201 Mailing address: P.O. Box 5865, Columbia SC 29250 Phone: 803.252.LIFE (5433) Fax: 803.252.3118 e-mail: web: profile subscribe
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